About Me:
GABY TRIANA is the bestselling author of 20 novels for teens and adults, including the Haunted Florida series (Island of Bones, River of Ghosts, City of Spells), Wake the Hollow, Cakespell, Summer of Yesterday, and Paradise Island: A Sam and Colby Story.
She's a short story contributor in Don't Turn Out the Lights: A Tribute Anthology to Alvin Schwartz's Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, a flash fiction contributor in Weird Tales Magazine Issue #365, and the host of a YouTube channel called The Witch Haunt.
Published with HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Permuted Press, and Entangled, Gaby writes about witchy powers, ghosts, haunted places, and abandoned locations.
She's ghostwritten 50+ novels for bestselling authors, and her books have won IRA Teen Choice, ALA Best Paperback, and Hispanic Magazine’s Good Reads Awards.
Gaby has made the transition to the role of Executive Producer to ensure Curtis Sponsler doesn’t run amok with the family budget and to provide her magical literary & dialog touches to Alienhead Entertainment’s upcoming feature projects.
She lives in Miami with her family and is currently at work on her next novel...as always. :-)